Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Danger and Opportunity

"Wearever there is danger, therein lurks opportunity.
Wearever there is opportunity, therein lurks danger.
They are inseparable, they go together."
Earl Nightingale

When I found this Earl Nightingale quote while browsing one of my many, many books of sayings and quotes, I decided that I had to find some way to translate it through calligraphy.  The result is what I posted here today.  But first, I decided to do a little research.  Earl Nightingale was known for his radio show "Our Changing World" and strangely enough, he died on my 29th birthday, March 28, in 1989,
which was the year my first daughter was born.

1989 was the year my world changed.  Six weeks after my daughter's birth I fell into a horrible, frightening postpartum depression and psychosis.  What was supposed to be the best and most exciting time in my life became a blur of locked wards, therapy, medications and anti-psychotics.  I was truly in a very dangerous situation.  What I did not realize then was the real opportunity hiding inside the danger of those months.  During those dark days and the many years that have followed I have been given the opportunity to empathize with those many mothers I've met over the years who have faced the same horror that I did and survived like myself.  I was given the chance to really appreciate the gift of my children in my life.  I got through the murky tunnel of depression and learned to care about others who have encountered mental illness in their lives.

But this opportunity came with dangers I didn't expect.  For the past few years I have been battling type two diabetes.  I've experienced a relapse (though not nearly as dangerous as the first time) brought on by instant menopause after a hysterectomy and the expected, though not eagerly anticipated empty nest that is lurking just around the corner.  I knew when I chose to take the heavy medications 22 years ago that there may be long term repercussions and side effects (weight gain was the worst).  My only purpose for living at that time was to be a functioning mom to my newborn, so the choice was clear.  I was a mother and it wasn't about vanity or dry mouth.  It was about the new little life I gave birth to and was responsible for.  I have no regrets.

Now that my girls are moving on, it's time for me to take care of those pesky side effects and weight gain that have lurked in the background of my life.  I hope to find the pain that I pushed inside so that I could raise my babies to be beautiful women.  I hope to face the emotions and feelings that have been long buried, acknowledge them and move into a new place in my life after raising children.  I hope that in another ten years or so (no rush) I will have a grandson or granddaughter to devote myself to.  Until then, my job is to find me again, the lover of letter arts, the artist, the svelte five foot two, saucy gal, the wife, the daughter, sister and friend.  Who knows what danger may be lurking, but therein lurks opportunity.  Wish me luck.

Thanks for looking.  Check me out on etsy to see what I've been up to lately.


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